Marty Gordon
You’ve probably heard of Virginia Tech’s Hightech dance team that performs at football and basketball games, but have you ever heard of the Low Techs?

The Lowtechs are an all-male dance group that seeks to entertain through comical and creative dance performances that are best encompassed by our iconic bright orange pull-away pants.
Justin McCloskey and Chris Buenaventura serve as co-directors of the alternative group.
According to McCloskey, the group was formed as a light-hearted spinoff of the Hightechs, an all-female competitive athletic dance team that features impressive and fast choreography.
“The Low Techs purpose is to promote spirit and positivity with our creative, humorous choreography at events around Virginia Tech’s campus such as spirit rallies, GobblerFest, Relay for Life and more,” he said.
The two co-directors have been involved with the Low Techs since the spring of their freshmen year at Virginia Tech in 2016.
“We both got involved in the group so early on in college because we each realized that this isn’t just a group who likes to be goofy, but it’s a group of genuine guys who want to have fun and give others a reason to smile, laugh and truly enjoy coming out to community,” McCloskey said.
As implied by our name, the Low Techs, performances are a satirical contrast of the considerably talented Hightechs with the “low” versus “high” contrast.
The essence of the Tow Tech’s dance, McCloseky said, is similar to the Hightechs but also the opposite in that they perform high-paced choreography including fast transitions, jumps, leaps and turns among other movements. “However, we perform these dances with supplementary creative components such as our bright orange pull-away pants, props, and themed dances (i.e., 90s pop songs, popular TV show theme songs, etc.),” he said.
The Low Techs will be appearing at Alpha Chi Omega’s Mock Rock lip sync competition on Wednesday, Oct. 22 in Burruss Hall, as well as several other Virginia Tech events in the spring such as the Big Event and Relay for Life.