We are writing this letter to show our support for Keith Marshall for Mayor of the City of Radford in the election on Tuesday May 1.
Keith and his family have been lifelong residents of our city, and his service on council as a councilmen and vice mayor have always put the interest of all the citizens first and foremost when he cast votes on city council.
His platform is to try to revitalize Radford’s business community, particularly the West End that has lost several businesses and industries over the last decade.
His opponent on the other hand seems to want to spend more money on programs and ideas that are already putting a strain on our revenue base.
Mr. Horton, simply, has no elected experience. We believe that our next mayor should not have to learn the position via on the job training.
We feel Keith Marshall is the right choice for Mayor! Please join us in supporting Marshall for Mayor.
George and Teresa Harkrader,