RADFORD – A historic Radford photograph has returned to the city as part of the collection at Glencoe Mansion, Museum & Gallery.
The photograph was donated by Dr. Donald and Mrs. Shirley Miller.
The image depicts a command of men under the charge of Major J.C. Bowman (grandfather of donor Shirley Bowman) being deployed from East Radford for service in World War I. Major Bowman was Dr. Joseph Carroll Bowman, who was a medical doctor who practiced in Radford during the era.
The group was known as the First Virginia Field Hospital when deployed from Radford but later became known as the 115th Field Hospital, 104th Sanitary Train, 29th Division. The group proudly served in France in the Argonne-Meuse Offensive, which was part of the final Allied offensive of World War I.
The photograph is a meticulously made reproduction of an original panoramic photographic that had weathered much over the years. The image has been beautifully framed and made available thanks to the Millers.
Glencoe Mansion is free to visit and is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 1- 4 p.m.
Submitted by Glencoe Mansion