RADFORD – During the last two weeks of May, Glencoe Mansion, Museum & Gallery welcomed second graders from McHarg Elementary and fourth graders from Belle Heth Elementary for field trips.
While at the Glencoe Mansion, children were guided through multiple modules designed to reinforce material from Virginia SOLs, highlight our City’s history and show just how much life has changed over time.
Children learned about life in a one-room schoolhouse, life in the 19th century, Native Americans past and present, Mary Draper Ingles and her times and more. In the process many a child was surprised to learn that the City they live in was named after someone and that even Belle Heth Elementary was named after a real person.
The Glencoe Mansion was able to host all these students because of the dedication of multiple volunteers. Across five days Yvonne Alderman, Susan Boggess, Marsha DuBose, Nancy Kent, Carrie Mahin, Sierra Ogden (thanks to the Radford Public Library) Sharon Taylor, Judy Vance and Linda Waggaman all gave of their time. If you’re interested in volunteering for school field trips, please let us know.
A special thanks to the second and fourth grade teachers for making this field trip possible. There are plenty of additional opportunities to learn at Glencoe Mansion this summer. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday 1 pm to 4 pm.
– Scott Gardner
Executive Director, Radford Heritage Foundation