To stanch severe bee colony loss, Virginia is shifting grant money to distribute hives directly. Local beekeepers support the program like the New River Valley Beekeepers’ Association strongly recommends new beekeepers take a beginner’s class, such as that offered by the NRVBA to significantly enhance new beekeepers’ chances for success.

“[The] Beehive Distribution Program seems like a great opportunity for new beekeepers to get most of what they’ll need (excluding personal safety gear, a few odds and ends, and of course bees) to begin beekeeping, and for established beekeepers to expand their apiaries!” Jerry Borger, NRVBA board member and long-time beekeeper.
Seeking to increase the number of productive hives after a tragically high percentage loss of hives this winter, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will now provide beehive equipment directly to eligible beekeepers.
“One out of three bites of foods pollinator responsible for, bees and other pollinators very important for our well being,” Fred Day, President of the NRVBA.
“In the past the state has funded reimbursement for equipment – not the bees – but you would give them receipt, and they’d pay you from the grant. Now, the state reasons that they can make those dollars go a lot further by buying in bulk and distributing equipment.”
Residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia who are 18 years of age or older at the time they submit the application are eligible to receive up to three beehive units a year.
Individuals who submit an application for a beehive unit through the program will be registered as a beekeeper with VDACS.
Borger points out that joining a local beekeeping association has specific additional benefits including avenues for long-term knowledge and information sharing, free member-borrowing of a full suite of honey extracting equipment and of children’s bee suits, and periodic demonstrations and hands-on instruction in the Association’s Blacksburg apiary.
VDACS encourages individuals interested in applying to receive beehive units read the program guidelines carefully, submit an application and then applications will be reviewed in the order they’re received.
The program began July 1 and the Beehive Distribution Program replaced the Beehive Grant Program and will end June 30, 2019 or when funds are exhausted.
For more information about local beekeeping support contact NRVBA’s Jerry Borger at 540-382-1798.
For VDACS program guidelines visit
— Staff reports