The weather outside was indeed frightful, but inside at the Christiansburg Recreation Center Saturday night it was delightful for the town’s first-ever Winter Wonderland. Forced indoors by some bad weather, the Winter Wonderful nevertheless went off without a hitch and with a whole lot of fun.
The lines were long at Mrs. Claus’ Kitchen as the North Pole’s favorite spouse supervised the handing out of free cookies (no milk), and hot apple cider and hot chocolate. Elsewhere, children frolicked in artificial snow and didn’t seem to mind one bit that it wasn’t the real stuff. The Christiansburg Middle School Choir got everyone in the Christmas spirit with some sing-along caroling.
The children also played some games in the reindeer play yard with prizes awarded to the winners of pin the tail on Rudolph, the snowball toss, musical candy canes, elf says, bingo, the penguin wobble and limbo.
All in all, for just a little while, the recreation center was indeed a winter wonderland.