A new parking lot and gathering place is now available in Radford there was once a vacant lot.
Heather Bell
RADFORD – Parking is now available in an additional space along West Main Street as a lot that used to house a closed auto shop has a new lease on life.
“The triangle lot, along West Main Street, is complete and additional parking is now available on Arlington Street and Kent Street,” according to an announcement from the City of Radford. “Signage regulating parking hours has been installed and citizens are reminded to observe marked parking hours and to park in the direction of traffic, when there is a double yellow lined street.”
Parking enforcement in this area is underway.
Mayor David Horton says he thinks the project is a great example of a group effort with a positive result.

“I’m glad that we added parking, beautified the area, and made a new gathering place in Radford in one of our busier districts,” said Horton. “Although some don’t realize it, this is what communities do to help further economic development. Place-making is a big component in attracting new businesses and creating places where people want to be.”
“Thank you to City Council for supporting the idea, the Radford EDA (Economic Development Authority) for helping make it happen, city staff for their hard work on the project, and to Ralph Stewart and Jonathan Stewart for supporting the project with a property that was theirs. We could not have improved this area without every person involved. Step by step we are moving forward. I hope everyone will join our effort and all can benefit from our improvement.”