for the recent Elf Shelf distribution
RADFORD – Elf Shelf brought Christmas cheer to many people in Radford again this year, providing
gifts, food, and household items to families in the city.
Grove United Methodist Church’s parking lot was recently turned into a drive-thru of Christmas bounty,
as families who applied for the service early this fall came out to pick up their gifts. The drive-thru
method was also used last year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“This year we served 242 kids and 152 families,” said Ann Walker, Elf Shelf Coordinator. “Like last
year, we did not have in-person shopping. Parents submitted wish lists with their applications and
volunteers shopped from the wish lists. Parents arrived at an assigned time period for a drive-thru pick-up
and gifts, voucher checks, and bonus items, like toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, bar soaps,
toothpaste and toothbrushes, and hand sanitizer were placed in their car. Each child also received new
books and a Project Linus blanket.”
Elf Shelf has been serving Radford for nearly 30 years.
– Heather Bell