Despite 50 new tips since a $100,000 reward was announced a year ago, investigators say the murder of two Virginia Tech students 11 years ago remains unsolved.

Local, state and federal law enforcement have spent the past year pursuing the tips related to the tragic deaths of the students on Aug. 26, 2009. No one has been charged in the incident.
Heidi Childs, 18, and David Metzler, 19, were murdered in the Caldwell Fields parking lot of the
Jefferson National Forest in Montgomery County.
Both teens’ families joined the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, the Blacksburg Police Department, the Christiansburg Police Department, the Virginia Tech Police Department, the Montgomery County Commonwealth’s Attorney, the Virginia State Police, the FBI, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Marshals Service and the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia for a 2019 press conference that marked the 10-year anniversary of the killings. Wednesday marked the 11th year since the crime was committed.
The couple apparently was sitting in their car when someone approached them at Caldwell Fields.
More than five years ago, the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department said they had DNA evidence in the case. Since then, however, investigators have not linked that DNA to any individual.
Both victims were shot by a 30-30 rifle, and pieces of clothing outside the vehicle showed Childs had tried to escape from their attacker or attackers. Metzler was shot while sitting in the driver’s seat of the vehicle.
The location, on Craig Creek Road near Pandapas Pond, is popular for Virginia Tech students for camping and just hanging out. Police hope someone saw or heard something and might come forward with the new attention to the crime.

Metzler was driving a 1992 Toyota Camry and had asked Childs to drive to the isolated spot. The two had dated for several years, and friends say it was not out of the ordinary for them to take a drive to Caldwell Fields.
During a 2012 press conference, investigators identified several items belonging to Childs as
Missing, including a cellphone and a Virginia Tech ID.
The initial task force had never been dismantled, and the crime has been treated as an open “cold case.” Police have said there are persons of interest and are hopeful there will soon be information to point to who shot the young couple.
Virginia State Police Special Agent W.S. Mitchell, the lead investigator assigned to the case, spoke to the media this week. He said police are extremely encouraged by the number of tips and the amount of information provided during the past 12 months.
“Thanks to people finding the courage and compassion to come forward and share with us critical information related to the tragic murders of Heidi and David, we have been able to advance this case like never before,” Mitchell said. “But there are still those living in Montgomery County who have information related to this case, and I want to appeal to them to please come forward and help us find justice for Heidi, David and their families. It’s been 11 years. Now is the time to do what’s right. “You know who you are with information. That goes without saying,” he said.
An annual candlelight event has been held every year since the murders and is planned for Sunday as friends and family are expected to gather at Caldwell Fields to remember the young couple.
Those interested in learning more about Metzler, Childs and the investigation are encouraged to go to the website established for this case at . The website features photos, a video tribute and more information about this case. It includes a section dedicated to receiving online tips from the public, and tipsters can remain anonymous if they choose.
Tips can also be received by phone at 540-375-9589.