RADFORD – When the Bobcats won the state championship in football, Eleven West was there with the merchandise commemorating the event.
Now, the Radford-based company is donating some of the proceeds from the merchandise to support Radford High School’s athletic programs.
Josh Smith, Radford High School Athletic Booster Club Board Member, was recently presented with a check from John Giesen of Eleven West with the donation to the boosters from the sale of state championship merchandise commemorating Radford High School’s undefeated football season. For over 50 years, the Radford Athletic Boosters Club has helped meet the financial needs of Radford High School’s varsity, junior varsity, and eighth grade sports programs. From maintaining facilities to purchasing equipment, Booster Club funding is used to keep RHS athletics competitive. Many thanks to John and the terrific team at Eleven West that continue to support Bobcat athletics!
Radford High School Athletic Booster Club