RADFORD – The General William Campbell Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, celebrated their upcoming 100th Anniversary on October 7, 2023 at the Radford Recreation Center. Guests were welcomed by Regent Betty Henley. The Honorable David Horton, Mayor of the City of Radford, gave a greeting to the guests and members. A presentation “Life in the 1920’s” was given by Mr. Scott Gardner, Director of Glencoe Mansion, Museum and Gallery. Mr. Dana Jackson, Adjutant of VFW Post 776, gave a brief acknowledgement on the partnership between VFW Post 776 and the General William Campbell Chapter DAR.
Other guests included District VII Regents and members from Alleghany Chapter DAR, Colonel William Preston Chapter DAR, Fort Lewis Chapter DAR, Roanoke Valley Chapter DAR, the DAR State Recording Secretary, Adele Morris, Dr. Mickey Hickman, President of Calfee Cultural and Community Center and Sarah Carter of the Radford Heritage Foundation. Light refreshments were enjoyed by all.
For more information or interest in joining please feel free to visit https://www.virginiadar.org/general-william-campbell-chapter.
Submitted by the General William Campbell Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution