Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019 was the annual Blue and Gold Celebration to honor the achievements of Cub Scouts and the history of Boy Scouts of America.
Thirty-two Cub Scouts, ages five to ten years old, along with family members and special guests were in attendance at the St. Paul United Methodist Church in Christiansburg. The theme of this year’s Blue and Gold was “Magic” and scouts enjoyed a magic show from Magician David Schlutz.
Each Cub Scout was recognized for his adventures during den meetings and received awards in the forms of pins, belt loops and patches.
The Webelos Scouts in fifth grade earned the highest award in Cub Scouts, the Arrow of Light. Their achievement was celebrated with a bridging ceremony with Boy Scouts from Troop 145 performing a “Four Winds” farewell story. These Webelos graduated from Pack 145 and were welcomed into Boy Scout Troop 145.
Sunday, March 3, 2019 was the annual Pinewood Derby race. Cub Scouts were provided blocks of wood in January. These youngsters cut, shaped, sanded and painted those blocks into race cars. The designs were unique and colorful demonstrating young imaginations and interests. Race cars weigh five ounces and race down a forty-three foot-long race track all afternoon. Craftsmanship and sportsmanship were the key components of the day.

Cub Scouts is family friendly and a great step for children to start a lifelong journey of character development, leadership, and citizenship. Scouting helps a child learn the Scout Law, which has twelve words to live by. A scout is: trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifry, brave, clean, and reverent.
Cub Scouts can make a remarkable impact on a child and the entire family with many opportunities for games, crafts, STEM, trips, and outdoor fun like camping, hiking and fishing. For more information or to visit any Pack event, browse www.CubPack145.com