Lisa Bass
Contributing writer

A large and damaged American Flag is unfurled for the last time before its respectful retirement by Pack 145 Cub Scouts and Troop 145 Boy Scouts as their duty to country.
Pack 145 Cub Scouts with the help of several Troop 145 Boy Scouts, celebrated Veteran’s Day with an American flag retirement ceremony for over 80 flags in a fire pit on the lawn of St. Paul United Methodist Church.
The ceremony educated the young boys and their families on the significance of Veteran’s Day and the American flag.
While those who died are also remembered, Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor all those who are serving and have served honorably in the military in wartime or peacetime.
In fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank these living veterans for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national security, and to underscore the fact that all veterans, not only those who died, have sacrificed a great deal while doing their duty of maintaining the freedoms of our country.
As a child with hand over the heart, the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag is learned. As a young adult, a right hand may be raised to pledge an oath to serve and defend the Constitution of the United States of America while voluntarily wearing a military uniform with the flag sewn on the right shoulder. This reverse side flag on military uniform give the effect of the flag flying in the breezes as the wearer moves forward.

The American flag is much like an American veteran. Both must withstand all weather conditions, be prominent, and strong in peace and war. The symbol of an American flag and the stance of an American veteran are quite strong. The history and traditions of the American flag and the American Veteran are both rich. Then, when God is ready, the American Flag will proudly adorn a veteran’s last journey on this Earth. A worn and damaged American flag must also receive a proper ceremony and burial.
Boy Scouting across the country has an excellent relationship with the military. Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts honor America and its veterans with an oath of “duty to country” along with the Pledge of Allegiance. Pack 145 and Troop 145 have worked with Veterans of Foreign Wars 5311, American Legion 59, and League of Marine Corp League Detachment 190 for over 15 years. VFW is working to get Troop 145 Eagle Scout candidates to consider projects that benefit Veterans and the community. One such project is the creation of flag disposal boxes at the VFW building and other locations for collection of old worn flags.
Recently, a new U.S. Flag Etiquette Program by the National Association of Counties, the National Flag Foundation, and the National Sheriffs Association established two locations in Montgomery County where citizens can properly dispose of any damaged or worn American flags.
One flag disposal box is located in the lobby of the Montgomery Government Center on Roanoke Street in Christiansburg and the other is located at the Riner Fire Department. Montgomery County will coordinate with other Scouting units like Troops 348 and 141 as well as Packs 141 and 348 to empty the flag disposal boxes and retire the flags properly and respectfully through a flag retirement ceremony.