RSVP fundraiser tomorrow
RSVP will host a Walk-A-Thon + Pancake Breakfast from 8-11 a.m. tomorrow at the Christiansburg Recreation Center (1600 N Franklin St.) to benefit the 2019 Supplies for Seniors program. The breakfast will include: pancakes, sausage, orange juice, coffee and water.
The meal will be available during the walking event for a $5 donation. Christiansburg Mayor Michael Barber will lead the first lap of the event at 8:30 a.m.
The Radford University School of Nursing will offer free blood pressure screenings and Walmart will be offering flu shots during the event. Those interested in getting a flu vaccination need to bring their insurance card.
Registration forms can be completed that morning. Participants may walk and obtain sponsors or sponsor someone else to walk.
Sponsored walkers will receive a free pancake breakfast. However, sponsorships are not required to participate. T-shirts will be available for new walkers.
All proceeds will go to purchase basic household and personal care items for approximately 200 homebound seniors and veterans.
Art reception for Sunshine at Blacksburg museum Friday
The Blacksburg Museum presents paintings of Blacksburg and the New River Valley by architect and artist Donald Sunshine.
Welcomed by a reception at 5 p.m. Friday, the exhibit runs from Oct. 1 to Oct. 20 at the Alexander Black House (204 Draper Rd. Blacksburg)
Free senior brunch Oct. 8
Christ Lutheran Church (201 Harvey St., Radford) is hosting a free senior brunch from 10 a.m. to noon Monday, Oct. 8 in the fellowship hall on the lower level.
This month, the church is featuring live music by the Prima Donna’s and a special meal by chef Tim Brower.
This is a free monthly event and all seniors, regardless of religious affiliation or background, are invited to attend. RSVP is appreciated for food planning; however, it is not required.
For more info or to RSVP, visit: or call (540) 639-2671.
Sons of Confederate Veterans meeting Oct. 9
The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Stuart Horse Artillery Camp 1784 will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Ray’s Restaurant on Rt. 221, north of Floyd.
Members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy are also invited to attend. For further information, call 216-8401 or 239-9864.
Radford Public Library hosts ukulele for adults
Ukulele classes will continue at 6 p.m. every Monday in October and November. The library has a limited supply of ukuleles, so attendees are encouraged to register ahead of time.