Cloverdale first graders in Mrs. Bowles’ and Mrs. Humbert’s classes participated in an Engineering Day on May 3. They listened to Benjamin Bowles tell about his job as a civil engineer. He lives in Dallas, Texas and is involved in building envelope projects through his company Morrison Hershfield.
There were 20 STEM-related projects at the school. Each project had several focus questions where students were challenged to think critically and problem solve. Students rotated through about half of them during the morning.
Benjamin Bowles explains how a wind tunnel works and how an engineer might use it.Cloverdale Elementary first grader Evan Grant designs a water pipe system and tests it for leaks during Engineering Day on May 3 at the school. Mrs. Bowles’ and Mrs. Humbert’s first grade classes participated 20 STEM-related projects as part of the program. For details and more photos, see Page 16.Holden Hooven and Kellan Matheny learn how the wind tunnel works.Jackson Taylor designs a vehicle in one of the stations. Teachers and students thanked volunteers Wendy Wilson, also of Dallas, Texas, and Deborah Hartless for their assistance, and staff member Mary Boardwine for providing several fun projects for the students.