CHRISTIANSBURG – Three gospel performers will bring a joyous sound to the Christiansburg Church of the Brethren this evening, Saturday, Sept. 18, at 6 p.m.
The occasion is the church’s annual gospel sing. The church is located at 310 S Franklin St.
Dale Buckner of Pilot; Sounds of Harmony, of Floyd; and The Glorylanders of the NRV will provide the music.
“All three are very popular in the area for spreading God’s word through their God-given musical talents,” the church announced. “The Christiansburg Church of the Brethren invites everyone to come and enjoy an evening of beautiful gospel music.”
A social hour with light refreshments will follow the concert.
The singing will be inside the church, but will also be transmitted to the parking lot.
Those feeling uncomfortable coming into the church because of COVID-19 may remain in their vehicles and listen through their radio.