Catching up with Jim Politis
Michael Abraham I wrote about Jim Politis almost four years ago as he was working to get the state legislature...
Read moreDetailsMichael Abraham I wrote about Jim Politis almost four years ago as he was working to get the state legislature...
Read moreDetailsSteve Frey Virginia Tech has a problem. No, it is not who will be the starting quarterback next fall or...
Read moreDetailsSteve Frey Did you ever wonder how many of your neighbors lack health insurance? How about medication? Do you care...
Read moreDetailsMichael Abraham Yes, I know. You’re reading the headline and asking yourself why you should bother to read an article...
Read moreDetailsSteve Frey The Holocaust never happened. Bats are blind. The Civil War wasn't about slavery. George Washington had wooden teeth....
Read moreDetailsJim Glanville A show of Montgomery County artist Christy Mackie's artwork opened last week at the Alexander Black House Museum...
Read moreDetailsSteve Frey Well, they finally did it. Legislators in certain parts of the country have cut taxes or refused to...
Read moreDetailsSteve Frey The Radford Veterans of Foreign Wars recently donated a United States flag to Radford High School. The news...
Read moreDetailsSteve Frey Fifty years ago this very evening, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. April 4, 1968, will be remembered...
Read moreDetailsEvans “Buddy” King The page my column appears on occasionally contains pieces written by my old Christiansburg friend Mike Abraham....
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