Donation to Radford Fairlawn Daily Bread – Tommy Remington of Manassas and delegate to the recent American Legion Boys State of Virginia, makes a donation to the local meals program while checking in at the conference. Shown receiving the gift is Janell Dobbins , volunteer at Radford Fairlawn Daily Bread.
Over 2000 items supporting the Radford Fairlawn Daily Bread meals program were donated during the arrival of busses of Boys State delegates Sunday on the Radford University campus.

RFDB volunteers greeted the participants in the annual American Legion event, repacking the goods for transportation to the kitchen-dining room facility nearby, for sorting and storage.
Through a special agreement, students planning to attend the Boys State sessions were invited by the sponsoring American Legion to “bring with them a donation (of food and other items) to be presented to (RFDB), whose mission is to provide a free noonday hot meal in a dining room, or to homebound individuals, as a community service project to help the city of Radford.”
“The American Legion believes we have a purpose to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community and a devotion to mutual helpfulness,” the Legion told participants.

Throughout the four hours of delegate arrivals, the local volunteers greeted hundreds of student participants, many holding bags full of canned goods, paper products, boxed pastas, flour, sugar, condiments, tins of tuna and meats, dry beans, even a five-pound bag of potatoes! Special emphasis had been put on beans of every type – especially enjoyed by those dining at the RFDB lunches.
Donna Fern, director of the meals programs – RFDB and Meals on Wheels – said the special Boys State project will help to pack the kitchen storage facilities for weeks to come. Similar donations, from groups or individuals, are always welcomed at the RFDB facilities at 501 East Main Street, Radford, between the hours of 10 and 2, or by calling 336-380-5242.
— Bob Thomas