DUBLIN – Since 2016, anyone who wants to operate a boat or watercraft in Virginia is required to pass a boating safety class. A few upcoming events can make that happen for interested boaters.
The Virginia Boating Safety Education Challenge Exam is being offered on May 23, 2019 at 9 a.m. at Claytor Lake State Park in The Water’s Edge Meeting Facility, 6620 Ben H. Bolen Drive, Dublin. If you are an experienced boater and have a good working knowledge of the navigation rules and Virginia boating laws, you may opt to take an 80-question challenge exam. The exam is closed book, no reference material is allowed in the examination room.
“Virginia’s Watercraft Owner’s Guide” (https://www.dgif.virginia.gov/boating/wog/) or other online study material may be utilized to prepare for the exam. No specific study guide is offered. Participants are allowed three hours to complete the exam. The passing score is 80 percent. There are 80 multiple choice questions and at least 64 questions must be answered correctly to receive a passing score and earn a Boating Safety Education Course Completion Card. Participants cannot use any reference material of any sort in the closed book examination. Pre-registration is necessary.
Register online at https://register-ed.com/events/view/143322 or contact Mendy Harman at mendy.harman@dgif.viginia.gov or 540-494-3569.
A boating safety class, offered in two parts, is also coming up at New River Community College. It is necessary to attend on both Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12 from 5 to 9 p.m. The classes will be held in Rooker Hall Auditorium at New River Community College at 5251 College Drive, Dublin. The course is taught by United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 83 and Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF).
As of July 1, 2016 all personal watercraft operators age 14 and older and all motorboat operators regardless of age are required to take a boating safety course.
Materials and instruction are free of charge. Bring a pencil and highlighter. Each graduate earns a wallet card showing successful completion of the class.
Most major insurance companies endorse the course and allow insurance premium discounts to graduates. This course meets the requirements of Virginia Boating Safety Laws. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Pre-Registration is required. Online registration is at http://register-ed.com/events/view/140770. For further information, contact Mendy Harman at 540-494-3569 or mendy.harman@dgif.virginia.gov.
Also, Flotilla 83 of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary is offering a Boating Safety Day at Walmart in Dublin. Flotilla 83 of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary will be outside Walmart at 5225 Alexander Rd, Dublin on May 17 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. to provide information related to boating safety. A Coast Guard Boat that is stationed at Claytor Lake will be on display.
Bring your personal life jackets to see if they fit properly. Auxiliarists will be showing families how to properly fit their children with life jackets. The Officer Snook Trash Game will be set up for the children’s enjoyment. Take-home information, including children’s activity books, will be available.
– Staff reports