Virginia Tech’s War Memorial Pylons
The Virginia Tech Board of Visitors voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a tuition freeze for resident and nonresident undergraduate, graduate, and professional students for the 2020-21 academic year and a preliminary budget for the 2020-21 fiscal year.
Both resolutions were advanced by the board’s Finance and Resource Management Committee, which met Friday.
On June 1, Executive Vice President and Provost Cyril Clarke provided an update to the Academic, Research, and Student Affairs Committee on progress toward plans that will define the fall semester. Clarke noted the many issues the university has been working on prior to Virginia Tech President Tim Sands’ formal announcement on university fall plans on June 8.
In other news, the board approved a resolution to establish a new Bachelor of Science degree program in behavioral decision science. The new program, which will provide students an understanding of economic and psychological models for how people optimally make decisions as well as an understanding of basic neural mechanisms and substrates that aid understanding of the decision-making process, will be available by the 2021 spring term, pending approval by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.