Units from Riner Rescue and the Riner Fire Department lead the way in welcoming the Auburn High School softball team home Saturday after they won the state Class 1 state title. Waiting for the girls were the state baseball champions, also from Auburn High School.
The state champion Auburn Eagles hold the trophy through the sunroof as they pull up to the parking lot at Auburn High School. Photos by Ashley Akers
The Auburn baseball and softball teams get together to recreate a similar photo in 2019 after both teams had won the state championships.
The state championship Auburn High Eagles: (front row, left to right) Kendra Scaggs, Jordan Coutant, Emily Coe, Kylie Smith, Grace Wilson, and Corinna Hoose; (back row, left to right) Avery Zuckerwar, Kirsten Fleet, Emma Greenhalgh, Rachel Brotherton, Hannah Shepherd, and Harley Hurd.
The Auburn softball team’s lone senior, Emily Coe, is all smiles as she holds up the state championship trophy.
Auburn baseball head coach Eric Altizer (left) and Eagle softball head coach David Hurd pose with their state championship trophies.