RADFORD – The work of renowned photographer Robert Frank will be presented by eva nichole hinrichsen of Blacksburg at the Radford Photo Club’s Thursday, Jan. 16, meeting at 6 p.m. at the Radford Public Library.
“Robert Frank had an incredibly star-studded early career that includes a number of brushes with some of America’s most prolific historical figures in the arts including Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and Edward Steichen to name only a few,” said hinrichsen. “He is easily the most well-known visual artist who documented the lives of the beat culture of the 1950s. In 1955, he won a Guggenheim fellowship that funded this cross-country trip where he documented with full honesty the very obviously struggling and racially complicated America of the 1950s.”
The club’s photo theme for January will be “festivities.” There is also an open category.
The Radford Photo Club is made up of professional and amateur photographers from throughout the New River Valley. Meetings, events, and outings are open to the public. If you have questions about the club, email Joyce Crowder at joycecrowder2@icloud.com, Michele Borgarelli at mborgarelli@gmail.com, or Tracy Burlingame at Tracylb3870@gmail.com.
Radford Photo Club