RADFORD – The Radford Noon Rotary Club’s Field of Honor display is being installed on the grounds of Glencoe Mansion and there is just a week left to purchase a flag to be part of the it.
The deadline to purchase a flag from the club is Wednesday, May 1. The project is to honor veterans, first responders and others and will also raise funds for scholarships and other Rotary efforts.
The Field of Honor will be displayed until the Fourth of July.
“You can sponsor a flag to display at Glencoe Mansion to honor a veteran, first responder, family member, teacher, an associate, or anyone else who has impacted your life,” the club announced.
Individual flags are $50. Corporate Sponsorship is: Bronze – $250; Silver – $500; Gold – $1000; and Platinum – $2500. Flags will be on display at Glencoe Mansion from Memorial Day to the Fourth of July.
Club President Jim Mitchell said the display allows people to “show respect and appreciation for those people that have meant so much to them in their lives.”
Money raised through the project will benefit scholarships to Radford High School students attending Radford University, and other Rotary initiatives, including polio eradication, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, Glencoe Mansion, Museum and Gallery, Radford-Fairlawn Daily Bread, Elf Shelf, the Women’s Resource Center, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Vittles for Vets, Beans and Rice, the Wheelchair Foundation, Wonder Universe Children’s Museum, Shelterbox and Sunset Garden.
All flags are made in the USA. For further questions, and to register, contact rotary.club.of.radford.noon@gmail.com.