Heather Bell
RADFORD – Elementary school students in Radford will start school at the same time each day next school year, but it’s not yet decided what time that will be.
“The results of the School Community Bell Schedule Survey for the 2023-2024 School Year were presented at the school board meeting, Wednesday, May 10, 2023,” the school division announced May 11. “The majority of the survey respondents chose Option One which gives McHarg Elementary and Belle Heth Elementary an early release every Thursday.”
Radford City Public Schools Superintendent Robert Graham said Monday the school division is still working out the details.
“We are still working on start and end times doing our very best to accommodate as many needs as possible throughout the school community,” he said.
This survey option chosen by the majority of respondents “gives Dalton Intermediate and Radford High School a traditional seven-period day each day of the week, Monday through Friday,” the school division announced.
“The division is working with the middle and secondary schools regarding additional planning time and may build in an early release or a late arrival on Thursdays as this was not included in the original seven-period traditional day schedule,” the announcement continued. “RCPS continues to examine the elementary arrival times and is working to find a solution for those parents who must report to work before 8 a.m. The arrival and dismissal times of all schedules may be adjusted to allow the doors at the elementary schools to open earlier. Once we have worked through this challenge, the schedules will be made public. We appreciate your patience as we finalize those times for the 2023-2024 school year.”
The 2023-2024 school calendar remains in effect with no changes. It can be viewed at www.rcps.org.