May 08, 2021
The City of Radford will accept proposals from qualified contractors to supply and/or perform services listed in this notice and identified herein as:
PROCUREMENT: Single-Phase 32-Step Voltage Regulator with Digital Controls (Quantity of 3 each)
The complete procurement package is available upon request to: T.A. Logwood
Director of Electric Utilities
Radford Electric Department
701 17th Street
Written proposals must be received not later than 2:00 PM local prevailing time on 25th day of May 2021 at the City of Radford Electric Department at 701 Seventeenth Street, Radford, Virginia 24141,
for consideration.
Award of a contract will be based on criteria set forth in
Chapter 80 of the City Code. The entire City Code section on Procurement is available for inspection in the City Manager’s office. The City of Radford is an equal opportunity employer and requires that the successful bidder execute an anti-discrimination and equal opportunity guarantee prior to the award of a contract. The right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informalities is herewith reserved exclusively by the City.
A pre-proposal meeting will be held on ____N/A______ at N/A_____ , in the City Manager’s office at 619 2nd street, Radford, Virginia, for the purpose of reviewing the proposal/bid requirements. Only those proposers registered at that meeting
will be allowed to bid.
Bids will be opened publicly at the time and place
specified in this announcement. All bids are the property of the
City of Radford and are available for public inspection. The City
is required to handle each proposal so that disclosure of the identity of any offerer in the contents of any proposal to competing offerers during the process of bidding or negotiation does not occur. Therefore each bid proposal shall be provided by the bidder in a plain envelope and shall be clearly marked as follows:
PROPOSAL FOR: Single-Phase 32-Step Voltage Regulator with Digital Controls (Quantity of 3 each)
Note: Facsimile or Electronic Mail bids will not be accepted.
The City will not be held responsible for proposals not appropriately marked.
Until and unless the responsive proposal from the lowest responsible proposer is rejected or cancelled, the City reserves
the right to negotiate with the apparent low proposer for the lower contract price in the event the proposal from the lowest responsible proposer exceeds funds made available for the
purchase by the City. Changes or modifications may be made or authorized by the City, in the requirements of any of the contract documents, including the plans and specifications, which
may be deemed appropriate by the City, or which could be accomplished by Change Order after the contract is awarded. If such
negotiations result in a contract price within available funds, the City may award the contract based thereon, but reserves to itself the right to reject the same for any reason deemed sufficient by it, in which event the project may be re-advertised or not, as the City deems to be in its interests.
By the Authority of:
- A. Logwood
City of Radford Electric Utilities
Director/Purchasing Agent