RADFORD – March is Women’s History Month, and Radford Mayor David Horton is continuing his weekly Facebook post featuring an aspect of Radford-oriented women’s history throughout the month.
In his third installment, posted Wednesday, he featured the first woman to be elected to the Radford City Council, who went on to be a political trailblazer in the Virginia General Assembly.
He writes:
“Today in #radfordwomenshistory as we celebrate #WomensHistoryMonth we want to remember Charlotte Milton Caldwell Giesen known as “Pinkie” to many.
“She was the first woman to be elected to the Radford City Council and the first Republican woman elected to the Virginia General Assembly.
“Her service on the City Council began in 1954, and her election to serve as the delegate from Radford and Montgomery County took place in 1957. She was considered to be very progressive at that time with support for compulsory education for children, requiring polio vaccinations and the jailing of drunk drivers, and support for open government.
“She served as a delegate until 1961 and then ran again for the Radford City Council, serving from 1962 until 1966.
“Ms. Giesen served on the Radford College (today University) Board of Visitors.
“She and her husband were founding members of Giesen Caldwell Agency in Radford, now celebrating 75 years in business.
“Among her awards and recognitions during her life, she was voted Radford Woman of the Year by the Business and Professional Women’s Association, and in 1960 the local chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars elected her Outstanding Woman of the Year.
“Ms. Giesen had a great influence on the City of Radford, encouraging the community to be its best. At the time of her passing in 1995, the Virginia Senate and House jointly memorialized her.
“A true pioneer and leader. #GoRadford.”