The New River District Pinewood Derby was hosted by Cub Scout Pack 244 of Radford on March 11.The event was held at the New River Mall in Christiansburg.
Cubs competed for speed, and received first, second and third place ribbons by Den. At the end of the day, the top three speed winners were awarded trophies.
Cubs also competed for trophies for best in show, where a car’s design was voted on by the public. The best in show winners for each Den were: Tigers – Dylan McQuain, Wolves – Mason Fizer, Bears – Gavin Page and Webelos – Thomas Payne.
The event finished with an open class, in which siblings and older boys competed. The only rules were – there were no rules! The winner was Katie Light.
This was Pack 244’s first time hosting the district event for the Blue Ridge Mountains Council.
— Submitted by Holly Moore